Tuesday, November 04, 2003

International Steakfishing

I had a bizarre dream last night. In it, I apparently worked at Saturday Night Live. I was working in a dark blue office with no windows, and we all worked in cubicles. The week's guest host was James Caan, and I was told to go speak to him about something. Caan had found one sketch absolutely awful and over-long. I read it and agreed with him, and he asked me to have someone write something better. I went back to the writers and producers and told them what he'd said, at which time they instructed me that it was just the 12:50 am skit anyway, so it didn't really matter, and why didn't I write a new one? It was my first day on the job and I'd never written anything for the show, so I was apprehensive. Nevertheless, I began to wrack my brain for an idea. Suddenly, I had it: The International Steakfishing Competition! In my sketch, two red-blazered sports announcers would broadcast the International Steakfishing finals - wherein two beautiful women would be fishing and reeling in cooked steaks. Why they were beautiful women instead of typically gruff looking fishermen, I have no idea. They would reel in a filet mignon, a strip steak, a london broil, etc. I remember that I had one of the commentators remark, "Look at those grill marks!" at one of the catches, and I'd written in one of those "Up close & personal" segments about one of the girls. In my dream, the staff seemed to like my sketch, oddly enough. Very odd.

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