Thursday, October 30, 2003

Clarification & Sno Balls

My friend, the great Ed Pancreas, wrote to me today and said: "Are you so sick in the head that you put hockey on the same level as pro and college football?!? You must have a screw loose boy." He's right - let me clarify. Football, both pro and college, is the greatest TV sport there is. I absolutely love it. It comes right behind baseball in my heart and psyche. What I meant by placing hockey along side it was that I love the day-to-day appeal of hockey. Football is great, but its really a once-a-week affair. Hockey and basketball go every night, so they help satisfy that daily sports craving that baseball so perfectly fills all summer long. However, as I said, the NBA is a drag, so I look to hockey to entertain me on Wednesday nights in November. Football is clearly the cold-weather king. Okay, Ed?

MMMmmm boy, I just had me a good sandwich. The "Bavarian Club Hero" from the Banhof Deli. It wasn't severely overstuffed or anything, but it was damned tasty. Black Forest Ham, turkey breast, muenster cheese and Russian dressing on a hero. It was so good I even bought a package of orange Hostess Sno-Balls. Sno-Balls are one of the most bizarre looking snack foods in existence. A creme-filled chocolate cake, covered by a layer of marshmallow goo coated with dyed coconut. I'd really like to meet the Hostess employee that came up with the concept. It's not as if people had been baking Sno-Balls in their homes for decades and then Hostess decided to mass-market its own recipe.
"Don, your team has to come up with something! Drakes is creaming us in the Northeast, Little Debbie's cutting into our Midwest market and Tastykake has such tasty cakes!"
"Yes sir, Mr. Hostess, my boys down at the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen have come up with just the thing to boost lagging sales--its a coconut/marshmallow covered orb of cake with creme filling! And we'll dye the coconut pink!"
"Hmmmm, Don, old boy, I love it! Call them SNO-BALLS!"
"But they're pink Mr. Hostess."
"Just do as I say and start baking!"

They're usually pink, but I guess they're making them orange for Halloween. People generally have two reactions to Sno-Balls: 1) Ewww, that looks disgusting! Who the hell would want to eat that? and 2) Mmmmm boy, gimme two! I fall into category two, but I must say it's well below Twinkies, Cupcakes and Fruit Pies in the Hostess hierarchy. And now...a haiku:

MMmm shaggy sno-balls
orange coconut smiles hello
oh! my poor insides

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